Let's chat
Please feel free to contact us with any enquiry and we’ll endeavour to assist as quickly as we can.
Where to find us
Wattle Place is close to Parramatta and Harris Park train stations. We also have limited parking on site.
Email: wattleplace@ransw.org.au
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Phone 1800 663 844 (freecall from within NSW) or (02) 8837 7000 (from outside NSW)
Directions to Wattle Place
By train
The closest train station with connecting transport is Harris Park (290m). Exit the station on the western side, cross the road at the crossing and walk north along Station St, then take the first left and walk to the end of Station Lane. Turn left onto High St and walk about 25m to Wattle Place on the left.
You can also walk to Wattle Place from Parramatta Station (850m). Exit the station to the South onto Fitzwilliam St. Walk left along Fitzwilliam St, then turn right onto Wentworth St. Cross at Parkes St and walk through Jubilee Park. Continue straight along Jubilee Lane. Continue straight and Cross Marion St onto High St until you reach Wattle Place on the left.
By car
The carpark is accessed via Raymond Lane, off Raymond St, Harris Park. Metered parking is available on High St and Marion St.