Cruise to commemorate the Apologies
Cruise to commemorate the Apologies
This year we will be commemorating the State and Federal Apologies with a cruise on Sydney Harbour.
The Harbour cruise will be on Thursday 13 October, from 12 noon – 2pm.
It is lovely for us to be able to get together again, after so many missed events. However COVID is still moving through the community, so precautions will still be in place to make the cruise as COVID-safe as possible.
This will include a set menu, not a buffet. This means you will be served one of 2 main meals, which will be placed alternatively around the tables, and the same for dessert. You won’t be able to pre-order which meal you receive, but you may be able to swap with people at your table, if they also want to swap.
We look forward to seeing those who are able to make it.
Wharf 6, Circular Quay, Sydney.