Anniversary of the NSW Government Apology to Forgotten Australians & Former Child Migrants
This Sunday, 19 September marks 12 years since the NSW Government apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.
Apologising to all those who suffered, [Premier Rees] said:
‘I say on behalf of the government, I am sorry for any hurt and distress you suffered in the care of the state. This should never have happened.
‘I’m sorry that some of you were physically, psychologically or sexually abused. This should never have happened.
‘I’m sorry for any lasting disadvantages you have experienced as a result of your childhood suffering. This should never have happened.
‘I’m sorry that many of you have been unable to return to your families and loved ones.’
Ordinarily we would commemorate this anniversary by gathering together for a meal, so that each of you can remember, reflect and catch up. For some, it is important to continue to mark these anniversaries in acknowledgement of what was achieved by the many Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants who fought so hard for recognition. For others, the apologies have not led to all that was hoped for, and others just want to keep looking forward.
However you choose to mark this day, our thoughts are with you.