Free online workshops from Blueknot for survivors of childhood trauma
Blueknot, the National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, is providing two free workshops:
Understanding Complex Trauma and Strategies to Support Yourself
A webinar for adults who have experienced any form of childhood trauma and/or abuse. Participants in this webinar will:
Learn more about the types of trauma and their possible impacts, Understand how trauma affects the brain and the body, Learn how to identify triggers and strategies to manage them, Explore ways to engage in self-care and enhance a felt sense of safety.
Educational Workshop for Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma and Abuse
This is a whole day educational workshop. Participants in this workshop will:
- Learn about childhood trauma, how common it is and how prior trauma may explain and/or relate to current challenges with relationships, self-esteem, health, wellbeing and other life issues
- Identify strengths, the ways people coped in childhood, the ways they are coping now and consider the possibility of change
- Understand more about the brain, trauma and stress
- Explore strategies to help steady emotions and levels of arousal including learning about triggers and how to recognise and better manage them as well as where to find help, how to care for oneself, how to interact in healthy ways, and explore possibilities for recovery.
The webinar and workshop are educational, NOT therapy. They focus on safety, self-care and support. For information and/or to register, call Blueknot on 02 8920 3611, or visit their website.