National Forum: Enabling Better Aged and Community Care for Forgotten Australians
You are invited to register for this national forum. It is available as an online event, but there is an opportunity to attend a “Hub” hosted by Wattle Place, where you can join with others to watch the event online. the Hub will be at the Holiday Inn in Parramatta. Please note: places will be limited.
It is being organised by the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians.
By way of background, the National Aged and Community Care Roundtable for Forgotten Australians has assembled individuals with expertise in the aged and community care sector to work towards improving the aged and community care system currently in place. As information and services have grown and developed, the National Roundtable is dedicated to updating resources, providing information that is correct, accessible, and valuable in a timely matter.
The Enabling Better Aged and Community Care for Forgotten Australians National Forum was identified as an opportunity to collaborate with the International Care Experienced History Month and as a way to provide the opportunity for people with lived experience, and service providers, to access national and international research and resources.
The Forum will showcase what the future could hold in aged and community care for Forgotten Australians. It will spotlight the need to co-design new models of care, what the evidence is telling us, the need for change approaches and service models, international experiences, and the need for skilled and capable workforce across all types of care.
The objective of the Enabling Better Aged and Community Care Forum is to bring together Forgotten Australians, service providers and researchers to highlight what the future could hold for aged and community care for Forgotten Australians.
If you would like more information or want to register to attend online, click here. Attendance for Forgotten Australians is free. If you would like to attend at the Wattle Place Hub, please contact Wattle Place directly by calling 1800 663 844 to express your interest.
If you have any trouble registering for the online event, please contact the organisers directly, or contact Wattle Place and we will try to assist you.