Submissions invited about the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

A Select Committee has been set up by the Australian Senate to look into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

The committee would like to hear about people’s lived experiences of accessing dental services in Australia.

However, it is important to note that the committee cannot advise on, advocate for, or take action on individual matters. If you need help or information on the provision of dental services, please see the Support services list below.

You can share your experiences by writing to the committee – this is called making a submission – and/or filling out the committee’s survey here. The Terms of Reference can be found – here

Most submissions are published on the committee’s website and continue to be publicly accessible long after the inquiry has ended. However, you can ask the committee not to publish your submission on the internet or to publish it anonymously (without your name).

You can send your written submission to the committee secretariat by emailing or by uploading it via the online system.

If are unable to make a written submission, please contact the secretariat to discuss alternatives.

Submissions are due by 4 June 2023.

You can read more about how to make a submission here and look at this plain English guide.

If you have any questions, or cannot send your submission by the due date and need more time, please contact the committee secretariat.

The secretariat can be contacted via or (02) 6277 3511.

Inquiries from hearing and speech impaired people should be directed to the Parliament House TTY number 02 6277 7799.

Support Services

If you need help or information on the provision of dental services:

Committee Secretariat contact:

Select Committee into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511

This information has been quoted from the Australian Parliament website. You can access it here