Scam Alert: COVID 19 Vaccination Certificate text
Please be aware of an SMS (text message) scam pretending to issue a personal COVID 19 vaccination certificate.
The SMS may appear to be sent from ‘COVIDsafe’ or ‘BeCOVIDsafe’. It shows something similar to; “Your digital version of COVID-19 Passport is available at XXXXXXXXXXX”.
There are also reports of text messages saying a digital version of their COVID-19 Passport is now available.
The link in the SMS (text message) will direct to a malicious website that offers a ‘COVID-19 vaccination certificate’, requesting a small payment for issuing the certificate.
This is an attempt by scammers to steal the individual’s personal and banking information.
If you have received this SMS please delete it immediately. DO NOT CLICK THE LINK.
Important facts to know:
- You will NEVER PAY for services related to their Services Australia held accounts or records, including for COVID-19 vaccination certificates or assistance with myGov.
- Services Australia will never send a text message to a customer that includes a link.
- All customers can obtain their COVID-19 proof of vaccination via Service Australia’s secure channels.
- For any customers who are unable to access COVID-19 vaccination status through digital services, please contact Australian Immunisation register on 1800 653 809 available from Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.
- If a customer advises they have fallen victim to this scam, they can contact our Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk on 1800 941 126.
**** Keep an eye out next week for information on how to safely access your official vaccination certificate, if you haven’t already done so.****