How to access your Vaccination Certificate
We respect the right of people to make their own choice about the COVID 19 Vaccination. However, we strongly encourage you to consider getting the vaccine, if your health allows it, based on the advice from health experts. It is important to be aware that many places we all hope to visit again now that restrictions are easing, will require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry.
In order to prove you are fully vaccinated against COVID 19 you will require documentation in the form of either an immunisation history statement or a COVID 19 digital certificate. Please see below for information on how to get that documentation. There is no cost to access this documentation.
- You can call the Australian Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809 (Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm) and ask them to send your immunisation history statement to you. It can take up to 14 days to arrive in the post.
- You can ask the doctor, chemist or other service who gave you the vaccination to print your immunisation history statement for you.
- Or, you can get your Vaccination Certificate online, via the Services Australia website here
If you access your certificate online, you also have the option to save your Vaccination Certificate in the Service NSW App, if you already use that App to sign in to places with a QR code.
We have made a video to take you through the steps on how to do this. You can watch it by clicking here.
If you’re unable to be vaccinated because of a medical contraindication (which means a person should not receive a certain medicine because it may be harmful to them), you will need to get a vaccine medical contraindication form signed by your doctor and carry it with you.