12th Anniversary of the Apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants
Today marks the 12th Anniversary of the Apology by the Federal Government to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants. 0n 16 November 2009, then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, apologised on behalf of the nation, for the disgraceful treatment of the children who were removed from their families and placed in institutions and foster homes prior to 1990.
The Anniversaries are an annual opportunity to reflect on the important step of being acknowledged, which was very hard fought by many of you and others who have now passed away. We also take this opportunity to honour all survivors. The apology was made because what happened to you was wrong, it was unacceptable. Wattle Place and similar support services were established because of the recognition that the awful system into which you were placed has left ongoing impacts for which you may need support. Wattle Place staff are committed to providing that ongoing support, we are here for you.