Find and Connect Support Service
You can access this service if you were placed in children’s homes, orphanages or other institutions or foster homes (out-of-home care) anywhere in Australia before 1990.
Forgotten Australians, Stolen Generations and Former Child Migrants placed in out-of-home care by the government are all eligible for this service.
Find and Connect is the Australian Government’s response to the Forgotten Australians Inquiry. It includes the Find and Connect web resource and Find and Connect Support Services in each state. The freecall 1800 16 11 09 number will connect you with the Find and Connect Support Service in the state from which you are ringing. Therefore, if you ring from NSW, you will be connected with Wattle Place.
How to contact the Wattle Place Find and Connect Support Service
Free call 1800 16 11 09 (from within NSW)
Phone (02) 8837 7000 (from outside NSW)
Online Enquire online
The Find and Connect Support Service is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
How we help
Face-to-face and telephone counselling
Counselling might not be something you have ever considered, but it can be useful in many different ways. For example, a counsellor might provide moral support through a current challenge you are facing, a counsellor might give you practical strategies to use if you feel overwhelmed, or you might be ready to tell someone, for the very first time, what happened to you in your childhood. But we understand if you choose not to have counselling. We will always be guided by you.
We have Aboriginal counsellors for Aboriginal people preferring to speak with another Aboriginal person. We also offer the choice of a male or female counsellor. Whatever you request from us, please be assured, your wellbeing, safety and confidentiality are our highest priorities.
Brokered counselling
Sometimes it may be that you will be better supported by an appropriately qualified counsellor who is closer to where you live or with whom you have a trusting relationship. If approved, we can arrange a professional of your choice to provide your counselling.
Assistance and support to access institutional and personal records
The Find and Connect Support Service applies on your behalf to Government agencies and former out-of-home care providers for identification documents and records from your time in out-of-home care. Finding records of identity, family or time in institutions or foster homes can be incredibly significant, but can have both positive and negative impacts. Wattle Place not only helps to find records but also provides support, when needed, to deal with those impacts. We obtain all records at no cost to you.
Assistance and support with family tracing
Connection to families was often completely severed. Children were often lied to and told their parents had died or abandoned them. The Find and Connect Support Service can apply on your behalf for records relating to your family history. Finding out information about your family can help to fill in gaps about your identity and origins. There is no cost to you for any records.
Assistance with information and referrals to other services
If Wattle Place is unable to provide what you need, or there is more appropriate assistance available, we will help you sort through options or connect with services who are better placed to assist you.
Social activities and special events
The group work and the social activities offered by Wattle Place provide fun and varied ways to explore creativity, gain new skills, experience new things and develop connections and friendships.
The Drop-in centre
Wattle Place provides a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere to have a cuppa or something to eat or use the computer. Please note: the Drop-in Centre is currently closed due to COVID 19.
Calendar of activities
There are events on all the time. Come and join us! Just click on a highlighted date to see the details and then you can register your interest.