15th Anniversary of the Australian Government Apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants
Saturday 16 November marks the 15th Anniversary of the Apology by the Australian Government to Forgotten Australians and Former...
15th Anniversary of the NSW Government Apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants
Thursday 19 September marks the 15th Anniversary of the Apology by the NSW Government to Forgotten Australians and Former...
National Sorry Day – 26 May
We acknowledge National Sorry Day each year on 26 May. National Sorry Day is a day to remember the...
Changes to Redress Legislation – applying from jail
Recent changes to legislation governing the National Redress Scheme have been made. These changes apply to people who are...
History Week 2023 – Overlooked History
This week (2 – 10 September) is History Week 2023. It’s the perfect week to highlight parts of Australia’s...
14th Anniversary of the NSW State Apology to Forgotten Australians and Child Migrants
The 19 September 2023 marks 14 years since the NSW State Government issued an apology to Forgotten Australians and...
Connecting and working together for wellbeing
Wattle Place is based in Western Sydney, but our service extends to the whole of NSW. A large proportion...
National Sorry Day
Today, 26 May, is National Sorry Day. Wattle Place remembers and reflects on the immense suffering of those who...
Forced Adoptions in Australia
Today, 21 March 2023 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Federal Apology for forced adoption practices, given by the...
Virtual Tour of ‘Emerging’ Art Exhibition
You can still enjoy the experience of the Emerging Art Exhibition with this virtual tour. We hope you enjoy....